Office of Student Academic Success Tutoring Services
Boost your confidence in your toughest classes with free tutoring in writing and math!
The Office of Student Academic Success operates two tutoring centers on the University campus — Bierce Library and The Polsky Building — that provide free assistance to currently enrolled students and can be tailored to individual needs, learning styles and abilities.
Here to help learners of all levels and backgrounds.
Flexible and convenient tutoring services are open and available the second week through the final instructional week of the fall and spring semesters. Tutoring services are unavailable the first week and exam week of each semester and are closed during breaks and holidays. Tutoring is also available via online platforms via partnerships.

-Kaden Rupert, tutor at Polsky Writing Lab

-Gill Humphreys, tutor at Polsky Writing Lab
Visit our convenient tutoring centers on campus!
- Bierce Math Lab (Room 69) is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. Call 330-972-5214 with your questions. No appointments are needed.
- Bierce Writing Commons (Room 68) offers assistance in the writing process for both undergraduate and graduate students in any discipline. Bierce Writing Commons is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. Please call 330-972-6548 for an appointment during the hours the lab is open.
- Tutorial Services, located just outside Bierce Writing Lab, offers subject tutoring in a wide variety of disciplines, with an emphasis on General Education courses. Tutorial Services is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Thursday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. Please call 330-972-6552 during lab hours to set up an appointment. Tutoring in math classes (up through Differential Equations) is available without an appointment.
- Learning Assistants Program: Specific sections of many courses include a trained Learning Assistant who holds regular study sessions for students. The Learning Assistant Program provides assistance in the classroom throughout the semester, with professors and learning assistants working as a team encourage student success.
Where to park: the North Campus Parking Deck and the East Campus Parking Deck are good choices.
Call 330-972-7046 or stop by the Polsky Tutoring reception desk on the third floor of The Polsky Building to make an appointment for these tutoring services:
- Polsky Math Lab offers faculty and peer tutors who can provide one-on-one help in courses ranging from basic math through calculus. It also offers tutors in biology, chemistry, and physics. .
- Polsky Writing Lab has faculty and peer tutors who can help both undergraduate and graduate students strengthen their writing skills in writing assignments from any discipline.
- The College Reading and Study Skills Lab can help strengthen study skills and develop test-taking strategies.
Polsky Tutoring also can provide help with basic computer skills, including Microsoft Office and Springboard.
Hours: Polsky Tutoring is open:
- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday
- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday.
Appointments are strongly encouraged, but walk-ins are available on a first-come basis.
Show the Polsky Building on a map.
Where to park: Polsky (or West Campus) Deck is a good choice, as is the Polsky surface lot.
If you have specific concerns or inquiries, please email
The University of Akron offers students access to eTutoring, a collaborative effort between Ohio’s two- and four-year institutions, allowing undergraduate students to interact with trained tutors in numerous academic areas. This provides academic support for traditional classes, online courses and for distance-learning students.
Services are available beyond the working hours at the tutoring centers at Bierce Library and The Polsky Building and for students who cannot make it to campus.
Can’t find a time that fits your schedule to meet with a tutor? University of Akron students will have access to outside of the normal business hours of the University’s two tutoring centers. Plus, the service offers tutoring for some courses within a major that are not available on campus.
Through, which can be accessed through "My Tools" or "Resources" on the course level in Brightspace, students can request scheduled or on-demand sessions for 1-on-1 tutoring in more than 250 subjects through text, voice and video options to accommodate all learner preferences.